I finally have a child who's head is on the charts for their age. Riggins' head is in the 99.7 percentile for his age. Yes, it is only on the charts by .3% but it is on the charts. In other news, he weighs 12 lbs 10 ounces and is in the 53% for his height and weight. He is definitely healthy.
I also found out today when he gets really mad he holds his breathe.
Game 3
5 days ago
I'm sorry to say that this holding of breath is a trait he inherited from his Grandmother Wood. I used to do this as a child when I got angry or hurt. I would hold my breath till I turned blue or passed out. I used it extensively in the Nursery (or so my mother told me.) My grandmother taught my mother a trick to cure me of this. She told her to buy a spray bottle and spray me in the face whenever I did this. It made me gasp, thereby foiling my attempts to hold my breath until I turned blue.
Riggins may be a little young to be given this "cure".
Love, Grandma Wood
I forgot to add that Becca does this little trick, too.
Grandma Wood
Becca doesn't so much intentionally hold her breath as she does forget to inhale when she's screaming. It's sad to see the sound of the scream stop but her face is still contorted, eyes tearing, skin turning purple. She also seems to have an occassional weird reaction to pain where her body goes kindof stiff but also limp, like her muscles lock up and she can't balance herself, and she throws her head back and rolls her eyes. Sometimes she starts shaking too. It's scary and I hate when it happens. The way I wrote that it sounds like seizures but that's never the impression I get when it's happening.
Anyway...Glad Riggins has a normal(ish) head. hehe. His intelligence must be more compact than your other kids.
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