For those that don't know, I had my sinus and septum fixed on Friday. After spending a miserable weekend with stints up my nose, I can breathe out of the right side of my nose. The pressure from my head that I have had for years has also left. Now I am just left to gain my energy back and to get the last of the stints out on Monday.
I can tell you that getting the first splints out on Monday was the most intense pain I have ever had in 15 seconds. They pulled out the stitch and then immediately pulled out the stints. I seriously lost every nose hair I had. Then I cried. It took a two hour nap to sleep off the nose violation. I pray I never have this experience again.
Nathan has done a great job keeping the house in order and the kids happy. Tomorrow is the first day that I will be on my own. I am thinking Lincoln and I will be playing a lot of board games.
Game 3
4 days ago