For those that don't know, I had my sinus and septum fixed on Friday. After spending a miserable weekend with stints up my nose, I can breathe out of the right side of my nose. The pressure from my head that I have had for years has also left. Now I am just left to gain my energy back and to get the last of the stints out on Monday.
I can tell you that getting the first splints out on Monday was the most intense pain I have ever had in 15 seconds. They pulled out the stitch and then immediately pulled out the stints. I seriously lost every nose hair I had. Then I cried. It took a two hour nap to sleep off the nose violation. I pray I never have this experience again.
Nathan has done a great job keeping the house in order and the kids happy. Tomorrow is the first day that I will be on my own. I am thinking Lincoln and I will be playing a lot of board games.
Game 3
5 days ago
Can you believe they actually expect you to breath through those tiny stints?!?!? Dave had his septum aligned and his tonsils out at the same about torture. But he was absolutely AMAZED at how much more he could actually smell now. Happy healing!
Hope you're healing well! And I hope this clears up some of your "issues". :)
Does your nose look any different? I know you said you didn't want it to but I'm curious if it does. Although it probably looks kindof bruised up still.
Love you! Get better fast!
Jenn--I can't imagine my tonsils and my nose at the same time. Tell your husband he is my hero. I had my tonsils out five years ago and it was worse then having a c-section.
Rose-Ellen--I didn't bruise but my nose is swollen. My nose looks the same to me but I know it a little bit different because the glasses I got fit to my face two weeks ago need to be adjusted again. I can tell you that this hasn't been near as bad as my tonsils. I am still thankful that you took care of my kids during that rough week.
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