Today I bought a $5 cupboard that will be a nice addition to our office. The only problem was it was located in the outskirts of Nyssa, Oregon about 25 miles from here. So we went on an adventure and the GPS had the street numbers wrong so we ended up in the middle of nowhere in a corn field. I finally found the place and got my cupboard.
After leaving the house, we located the town of Nyssa. The kids were hungry so we finally saw a store. I pulled into the parking lot and Lincoln said, "I can't believe they put a store in the middle of nowhere."
Then we head back home and Avalee made up a game. She asked Lincoln if he ever thought he would get married. He was quiet for a minute and then responded "no." Avalee asked him why not. Lincoln's response, "I plan to suck my thumb until I am 100. Nobody will want to marry me and that is ok."
Lincoln did a good job making me laugh today!
Game 3
4 days ago