Four years ago, I hardly watched a moment of the 2006 Winter Olympics. During that time, Lincoln got very sick and ended up in the hospital and created a lot of laundry. We were making our move to Idaho and I don't think I slept for a week trying to keep up. I remember being sad that I didn't get to see the Olympics.
So this year I have made up for the 2006 Winter Olympics, and I have watched way TOO much of the 2010 Winter Olympics. I am thankful though that I scheduled my surgery during the Olympics so I had something to watch since we don't have cable. I have cried with the athletes, explained the events to Lincoln, and caught most all of the Olympic moments that were on NBC.
Tonight the Olympics are over. And with the Olympic end, there is few shows left to watch on TV so tomorrow I am going to get up and regain my energy and fight back to where I was 10 days ago. My nose is still in a small amount of pain but I feel better tonite that I have since the surgery. So here I come tomorrow to get back into a routine again and try to help Nathan around the house. I am sure I will be in bed early due to exhaustion tomorrow.
Game 3
4 days ago