I have not been very good at blogging but I want to summarize 2009.
Our travels took us to Arizona (for a temple sealing), Virginia (for a wedding), Utah (for a race), and Washington (for a baby blessing). It was full of travel so we stayed home for Christmas and plan to vacation in Caldwell for Spring break.
Avalee completed Kindergarten and started 1st Grade. She is doing very well in school and is a sponge. If you read a word to her once, she will most likely remember it the next time she sees it. She is amazing. She is also learning to play the violin.
Lincoln completed preschool but had to take preschool again because he missed the deadline. If you ask him, he will tell you how frustrated he is to not be in Kindergarten. He enjoyed Christmas vacation because Avalee was home and his neighborhood friend could play with him because he wasn't at school.
Both of the kids are enrolled in gymnastics. Each has their different strengths but they are both becoming stronger. Lincoln is going to play baseball this spring. I am sure it will be entertaining.
Nathan and I both served in big callings for 10 months this year. I was released as RS President on November 1. It was a blessing to be home with my family but I miss serving. I have enjoyed organizing our house. I found diapers in Lincoln's closet and I know he has been potty trained for over 18 months.
We also took on the adventure of redoing the flooring in our entire house. What a task but it was well worth it. I love the new carpet and the pergo downstairs. In the process of redoing flooring, we put everything in our house into our garage. We did not bring anything back into our house that we did not need. We took a big donation for a tax write-off and had some good luck selling items on Craigslist.
Overall, 2009 was a great year. We have been blessed and have been healthy.
Game 3
4 days ago