Normal story...
I caught a lizard today. It was climbing in a bucket and I tipped it over just right and kept moving the bucket until I got the kids. Then my sister's brother-in-law took it out of the bucket. My nephew, Cooper, that is three thought it was so cool and started it playing with it. After a while, the lizard bit him. It left quite a mark. After Cooper settled down, he said quite seriously, "We are going to eat that lizard for dinner."
Now for the gross story...
Tonight we were at the park and Lincoln had to go to the bathroom. There was a port-a-potty behind a locked gate that the kids could fit through put I couldn't. Lincoln went in and did number two and started yelling for me. I told him to wipe his bum and come out. He kept yelling and yelling about needing helps and flies. I didn't want to climb the fence and jump because I only had my flip flops on and I worry about my foot in this situation. So it took me about five minutes to figure out how to get through the fence. When I opened the door, Lincoln said, "There is no toilet paper so I tried." He had tried to wipe his bum with his hands. Yes, very gross!!! So my sister ran to the van and got some wet wipes and I spent quite a long time cleaning up Lincoln. I don't think I will forget that port-a-potty experience.
Thank goodness the day also included a fun trip to Lake Powell to even out our bad experiences
Game 3
5 days ago
Oh my goodness,that is so GROSS!!!! but also really funny!
Today I took Natalie to the potty and she said "My poop makes you happy!" I laughed, said "It makes me happy when you poop in the potty". She replied "We only poop in the potty. We don't poop in the sink. That's weird!"
Sad how poop is such a big part of their (and our) lives right now.
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