I love Albertson's. This is what I bought tonight for $40, and I only had one coupon. I did have to go through the check out four times, and it did take a while because the college kids where buying lots of alcohol, but it was worth it.
60 boxes of cereal
4 boxes of Chicken n' Biscuit
4 12-packs of soda
6 yogurts
2 frying chickens
1 bunch of bananas
1 gallon of milk
Can I just say that is amazing! Oh and we won't be buying cereal for another year.
Game 3
5 days ago
That is amazing! Don't you love it when you can save so much money. I hate spending a lot of money on food. I'd rather spend money of fun stuff! Congratulations to Avalee by the way for having a more expansive vocabulary than most college graduates! Maria
Awesome job! I had mentioned on facebook to someone that I got 40 boxes of cereal and all these people freaked out. They said they could never go through that much. I just kept thinking its not like we are going to go through it in a month. It will take quite a while and at least I don't have to buy anymore until it has a great sale again. I am glad that you bought a ton too :)
I plan to share some of my cereal with college students that are coming to visit next weekend so I don't feel bad at all about 60 boxes.
Maria--All of the 1st graders in our school district are working on this vocabulary. It truly amazes me what they have done with Avalee in two years!
Astonishing! You are amazing!
I am still trying to figure out couponing. It isn't complicated, but I seem to make it so. How did you only have one coupon? What was it?
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