
Saturday, May 02, 2009

5k Race

Today I ran a 5k race. This is a huge accomplishment in my life. Two years ago I broke my foot and it has taken so much effort to get to the point of running again. For those of you that don't know I was scheduled to run a trialthon 10 days after I broke my foot.

I ran the entire time and did not allow myself to walk. I finished in 34 minutes and I was thrilled. The minute I crossed the finish line I stopped running and they helped me sit down because I couldn't feel my foot. I have been limping ever since but I did it and I will do it again and try to finish faster.

Now I need to find my next race so I can always have a goal in mind.


Tyler & Rose-Ellen said...

Congrats, JoAnn!

Grandma & Pop-pop said...

Amazing, JoAnn. Good for you!

Do you know about Krazycouponlady.blogspot.com?

They are having a portrait giveaway for people who live in the Utah, Boise, ID areas.

Check it out.


Jonathan and Emily said...

That's great! I didn't know that you liked to run. Way to go!
