On Saturday Lincoln dropped a can of kidney beans on his toe. It immediately turned blue. He cried and cried. Avalee and I were not home but came home to him still crying. We sent her to make him happy. In a matter of minutes, she was able to calm him down and he stopped crying.
On Sunday, we had a friend that is a nurse look at his toe. She told us that if it got worse we were going to have to pop it and get the pressure out. Well it got worse and today Lincoln could barely walk. So tonite, she brought over a local to numb the toe before we drilled. There was so much pressure in his toe that one poke of a needle caused it to blow. It immediately went down. We could then see that his toenail is going to fall off in the next couple of days. He really did it good. The picture below is after all the blood came out. This picture doesn't do the blood justice.
Game 3
5 days ago
Oh, Lincoln, OWWIE!
It made me squirm to think about using a drill on your toenail to get the infection out. GROSS! You were very brave!
I hope your toe is feeling much better!
Grandma Wood
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