Tuesday night during my RS presidency meeting we saw a mouse. Nathan was very good and chased that mouse around the kitchen and almost caught it in a rubbermaid. I think he would have had it but I screamed when the mouse hit the rubbermaid and I think it startled Nathan. We lost the mouse and set mouse traps and went to bed.
Wednesday when Nathan got home (I was not going to do this by myself as I am scared to death of mice) we cleaned behind everything and put the kitchen back together. Still no mouse.
Thursday night Nathan saw the mouse in the computer room. He tore the computer room apart and was ready with his bat to kill the mouse. I hid in the living room. Still no mouse.
Friday night Nathan and I cleaned the computer room. Let me tell you after two years of not cleaning behind our desks this became quite the chore. We worked in the computer room for about six hours on Friday night and most of Saturday morning. Still no mouse but we add more traps.
Sunday we wake up to find that the mouse ate the peanut butter off of one trap but the trap did not go off. Still no mouse.
Monday we wake up to find that the mouse ate the peanut butter off of another trap but the trap did not go off. Still no mouse. So tonite I buy more new types of mouse traps.
The kids understand that they mouse traps will hurt them but they check the traps at least four times a day to see if we caught the mouse. We have not seen the mouse since Thursday but we no it is alive. This mouse is very smart but we will get it! In the meantime, we have done some great spring cleaning.
Kids looking at one of many mouse traps in the house. Avalee's mouse catcher.
Lincoln's mouse catcher. This can also be called a bleezerwheezer in Lincoln's dictionary.
The mess that was created trying to catch this stupid mouse.
Game 3
5 days ago