Lincoln went to the doctor today for his 15th month check-up. He weighed 25 lbs. 12 oz. and was 31" tall. This was the best doctor's visit we have ever had with Lincoln. Until this point in Lincoln's life, the last words the doctor would say was "he will grow out of it". I would think you are not the one that is covered in spit up all day long and cleaning the carpet. This time the last words the doctor said was "your kids are perfectly healthly". You don't know how happy this made me!
Lincoln's favorite word is "this". But when you ask him to get something, he will find bring you what you asked for. If you ask him if he has stinky poop, he goes and stands by the diapers and wipes and waits for you to come help him. If he is only letting wind, he just goes on with what he is doing.
We bought Lincoln new shoes on Saturday. Sunday I put them on him and he giggled. He then went and found his old shoes and carried them around until we left the house. I think he was going through withdrawal.
Game 3
5 days ago