His Grandma Brady showed him how to knock on doors. He knocks on any closed door. Tonite Avalee closed all the doors in the house and hid in the closet. Lincoln went and knocked and knocked on our bedroom door and Avalee popped out of the hall closet door. Lincoln giggled and giggled.
Lincoln only likes to sleep when Avalee is in the room with him. If she is making too much noise, he covers his head with the blanket and goes to sleep.
Lincoln has a love to climb upstairs and fall down them.
Avalee is never just hungry. Instead she looks at me with sad eyes and says, "I starvin, hungry mom." You would think that I never give her food.
During the middle of the night when Lincoln cries out, Avalee will say "Lincoln, you OK." Lincoln immediately is quite. If Lincoln wakes up too early in the morning, Avalee will say, "Lincoln, sleep." During naptime, Avalee and Lincoln will giggle and taking during yelling for hours. Sometimes naptime turns into a three or four hour ordeal, two hours worth of playing and two hours worth of sleep.
Avalee is becoming a good big sister and tries to entertain Lincoln. Tonite while we were stuck in traffic, she tried everything to make him quit crying.
Game 3
4 days ago