Has only peed on the floor once while being potty trained. Number 2 is a different story.
Loves to crawl after Lincoln and say “I got you”. Then Lincoln giggles and takes off again.
Loves to watch the “princess in the swimming pool” aka the Little Mermaid.
Loves to go to Preschool on Monday and expects a peanie butter sandwich and chips to be in her lunch.
While playing a game of chase with her friend Kylie, Kylie tackled Avalee and caused her to face plant. Avalee cried a little but mostly didn’t know what to think of the situation.
Weighs 28 pounds.
Teeth overachiever: Lincoln has three molars which is not common for his
Will take six to eight step by himself before he falls down.
Is eating the same thing everyone else is (expect peanut butter).
Loves to go for car rides in DC because he can see so much out of the window now that he gets to face forward in his car seat.
Is into everything.
Loves to climb stairs.
Weighs 23 pounds.
Nathan and JoAnn
Have both suffered from a bad stomach flu this week.
Are tired at the end of day from work and kids.
Game 3
5 days ago
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