Avalee's night light broke about a month ago. The other night she had been in bed for awhile and all of the sudden we hear her yell, "I can't see!" We couldn't help laughing. This child thinks she should be playing every minute.
Avalee loves to be naked. She will no longer keep her clothes on in the house because she is so hot. After swimming on Thursday, I let her ride home in the car with just her diaper and shoes on. As we got out of the car, she tried to cover herself and yelled, "I so naked mommy." The neighbors were laughing.
Since visiting the GI doctor two weeks ago, Lincoln has got help to make him quit spitting every ten minutes. I have actually gotten to the point that I don't carry a towel around with us anymore. Lincoln did a classic though in the grocery store. He was trying to get the groceries out of the back of the cart and proceed to spit up in the apple bag. He didn't hit himself or anything else, just the apples. The poor teenage boy at the check register was grossed out. He said, "This is what I have to look forward to."
Game 3
5 days ago
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